
WLI Female Speakers Initiative

The WLI Speakers Database was created as part of the Women in Leadership Initiative (WLI) to achieve gender balance in speakers at industry events and increase the visibility of women in our industry. We actively communicate with many conference organizers to promote our speakers, and ULI's events will be an example of this trend.

If you are interested in joining this database, please complete this survey. Your specific information will be added to the WLI Speakers Database and ULI will share your contact details with conference organisers and organisations seeking female speakers at real estate industry events. This data will be kept in accordance with the Personal Information Collection Instructions specified below.
Q1 关于您——请提供您的联系信息:
Q2 请问您是ULI会员吗?
Q3 您愿意成为近期行业活动的演讲嘉宾或者讨论嘉宾吗?
Q4 您认为自己适合代表哪个行业? (勾选所有适用选项)
Q5 議論するとしたらどの分野ですか。(複数回答可)
Q6 您最希望讨论哪些房地产细分市场的问题? (勾选所有适用选项)
Q7 您的发言适用于哪些国家/地区? (勾选所有适用选项)